The Importance of Regular Extractor Fan Cleaning: How to Clean and Maintain Your Fan

Extractor fans play a vital role in keeping your home or workplace fresh and healthy by removing moisture, steam, and unpleasant odours from the air. However, over time, the accumulation of grease, dust, and other particles can reduce the efficiency of your extractor fan, leading to poor air quality and higher energy bills. That’s why it’s essential to clean and maintain your extractor fan regularly. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of regular extractor fan cleaning and provide some tips on how to keep your fan in top condition.

Why Clean Your Extractor Fan?

Cleaning your extractor fan is essential to maintain its performance and efficiency. A dirty fan can’t work as effectively as a clean one, meaning it won’t remove steam, moisture, and odours as efficiently. This can lead to a range of issues, such as mould growth, unpleasant odours, and poor air quality. In addition, a dirty extractor fan consumes more energy than a clean one, leading to higher electricity bills.

How to Clean Your Extractor Fan

Cleaning your extractor fan may seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually a simple process. Here’s how to clean your extractor fan:

  1. Turn off the power: Before you start cleaning your extractor fan, turn off the power at the mains to avoid any accidents.
  2. Remove the cover: Most extractor fans have a cover that can be removed for cleaning. Use a screwdriver or other tool to remove the cover and set it aside.
  3. Clean the cover: Use a damp cloth or sponge to clean the cover thoroughly. If the cover is greasy, use a mild detergent or degreaser.
  4. Clean the blades: Once you’ve cleaned the cover, use a brush or vacuum cleaner to remove any dust or debris from the blades of the fan.
  5. Clean the motor: Use a soft brush or vacuum cleaner to remove any dust or debris from the motor. Be careful not to damage the motor.
  6. Reassemble the fan: Once you’ve cleaned all the parts, reassemble the fan and turn the power back on.

Tips for Maintaining Your Extractor Fan

Regular cleaning is just one part of maintaining your extractor fan. Here are some additional tips to help you keep your fan in top condition:

  • Use your fan regularly: Using your extractor fan regularly will help to keep the air in your home or workplace fresh and healthy.
  • Replace filters: If your extractor fan has a filter, replace it regularly to maintain its efficiency.
  • Check for leaks: Check your extractor fan regularly for leaks or other issues that could reduce its efficiency.
  • Consider a professional cleaning: If your extractor fan is particularly dirty or hasn’t been cleaned in a long time, consider hiring a professional cleaning service to ensure it’s cleaned thoroughly.


In conclusion, regular cleaning and maintenance of your extractor fan are essential to maintain its performance and efficiency. By following these tips and cleaning your fan regularly, you can keep the air in your home or workplace fresh and healthy while also saving money on energy bills. At Electrical Discounted Supplies, we offer a range of extractor fans and cleaning products to help you keep your fan in top condition. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you maintain your extractor fan.